Monday, May 30, 2011

I'll bring the wheat berries....

When you get down to it, this is what matters in our class.

We grew plants, using nothing more than our hands, a little peat moss, some dirt, and light.

This might not seem like much in a culture that rewards style over substance, words over efforts.

Our national Secretary of Education thinks little of promoting untruths. He's too bright to plead ignorance. I'm too polite to call him a liar.

A child who grows a head of wheat from a single wheat berry learns a powerful lesson. The stuff that matters most, the stuff that keeps us alive, the stuff of sustenance, comes from a little work and a lot of grace.

The picture above came from our windowsill--that's a gray sky behind it. I used to babble on about this matters. After doing this 5 years, I've learned that 15 year old humans recognize what matters, when they get a chance.

So I give them a chance. Despite Arne.

So I'm going to Washington, D.C., on July 30th. I might some wheat berries along for anyone who wants some.

Jose Vilson will be delivering a speech, reason enough to go. If you're going, let me know. I want to meet you.


  1. I'll be there. It's in my backyard. I've no excuse to miss.

    Need a place to stay?

  2. Aah..wheat..and the girl with colitis walks by.

  3. Dear Jenny,

    Thank you for the generous offer--my brother lives close to a Metro station, so I'll be bothering him for a day or two. I ought to let him know....

    Dear theviolethourmuse,

    Hard to grow rice in the classroom--but I could grow corn!

  4. Thank you for pointing me to his blog. Fantastic!
