Monday, September 6, 2010

Are teachers "professionals"?

A huge tip of the hat to Dina Strasser of The Line, who took my ramblings and made a cogent, succinct post on what I think professionalism means.

She gently (but persistently) pushed me, and her intelligent questioning and subtle editing created something I did not think was possible.

Thank you, Dina!


  1. @ Doyle
    Read through your interview. Pretty good stuff. My favorite line is about not wasting a kids time with busy work.

  2. As I posted on her blog, two of my favorite writers on one post!? That was a real treat to read this morning - thank you!

  3. Great read! I love both of your blogs and seeing them both simultaneously was a treat!

  4. Dear Charlie,

    Thanks for the kind words--wasting time with busy work should be a misdemeanor. I liked learning, I hated--HATED--busywork in school.

    I understood drill work--some things are worth having in a box in your brain. Busy work, though, is simply institutionalized child abuse, and I suspect largely responsible for the cynicism kids develop through their years in school.

    Dear Kelly,

    Thank you for your warm words. I love reading Dina's blog. I am thrilled she took the time to chat with me, and am tickled pink to see my words at her place.

    Dear Patrick,

    Thanks for the kind words--Dina did an amazing job. I rambled from here to Creation, and she kept pushing me back, keeping things focused. It was a treat for me as well.

  5. Don't you feel so cool?

    You should.

    I still have quotes from your blog in my quotes file. One day I'll unearth them when you become famous. Great interview :-)
