Sunday, June 13, 2010

Then and now...

Gardening in 1910:

  1. Observe damage. Obviously something's eating the plant.
  2. Find culprits--ah, green caterpillars!
  3. Pick and squish the critters.

Gardening in 2010:

  1. Observe damage. Obviously something's eating the plant.
  2. Google "Brussels sprouts" and "damage" and, oh, look, a new post by John Spencer....Remember why I turned on computer. Spend half hour reading about cabbage moth caterpillars, their economic damage, the identifying characteristics, their life cycle. Learn what cabbage moth eggs look like. Note that they're laid a single egg at a time. Google best way to control them.
  3. Find culprits--ah, green caterpillars!
  4. Pick and squish the critters.


  1. Oh so true, it's no wonder there's never enough time ...

  2. Hahahaha, so so true.

    Now off to check the undersides of my bean leaves for aphids...

  3. Dear Karen,

    I may toss this machine away one of these days. I have a couple of typewriters ready to replace it.

    Dear ertzeid,

    I just learned something new today about aphids--apparently earwigs eat them. (Not only that, mommy earwigs care for their young.)
